Resources for Your Personal Time With God

These podcasts, apps and video series are recommended by our pastors and will help deepen your one-on-one time with the Lord.

Be Still Video Series

This short video series offers practical training to get into a rhythm of spending personal time with God.

Get In the Word With Truth's Table

This podcast features daily readings from the Old Testament and New Testament.

Common Prayer Daily

The podcast is a daily reading from the Book of Common Prayer, and features a mix of Scripture readings and liturgical prayers.

Lectio 365 App

This app by 24-7 Prayer offers Scripture reading and reflection each morning and evening.

Lectio for Families App

This app is also produced by 24-7 Prayer, is meant to be used by families.

BibleProject App

This app delivers the entire suite of BibleProject videos, podcasts, classes, and the 2024 Weekly Playlist through the Sermon on the Mount.

Recommended Reading

These books are recommended by our pastoral staff. As always, we encourage you to read with discernment and test everything you are reading against Scripture.

Bridgeway Distinctives

This video is the introduction to the Bridgeway Distinctives series, a collection of conversations between Pastor Lance and Pastor Brian and Bridgeway's five distinctives. Below, you'll find a link to the conversation about each distinctive as those videos are released. Audio recordings of these conversations are available on the Engaging Culture podcast stream wherever you get your podcasts.