
What is Membership at Bridgeway?

Bridgeway’s vision for membership is to inspire ‘attenders’ to become ambassadors. Ambassadors are advocates who represent Jesus Christ and Bridgeway Christian Church in their families and communities. They have an evangelistic mindset to share Christ. They have access to inside information and can advocate for the church with confidence because they are in the know about the culture and vision of the church.

What do members do?

Members gather together for community, serve their church family, give sacrificially, participate in the ministries of the church, and seek to make an impact for Jesus.

Members gather three times a year for vision, approving the annual budget, and to give feedback on the effectiveness of the ministries of Bridgeway.

Members have a voice and access to the elder board to ask hard questions or seek prayer.

Membership Classes and Gatherings

To become a member, take a membership class. They are offered three times a year. Below is our next Membership Class as well as our next Membership Gathering.

Registration is free for the class but required. Registration for the Gathering is appreciated, but required if you want to take advantage of the paid-childcare ($5).

Do I need to be a member to...


90% of the serving opportunities at Bridgeway do not require someone to be a member. Certain levels of leadership in a ministry will require membership.


No. While the meetings are specifically designed for members, they are open to anyone who wants to attend. However, if a vote is necessary, only members can vote.