Season 5, Ep 46
On this episode, Pastor Brian and Pastor Judah discuss the outcry surrounding a potential TikTok ban and what it says about our need for healthy digital habits. Then, Pastor Lance joins Pastor Brian for a conversation about the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and about why racial justice is a high value at Bridgeway. Next, Pastor Brian is joined by David Heitzler, Bridgeway’s Soul Care Director, for a conversation about the nature of addiction and how we can better understand it and better support addicts we know. We end the episode with another round of “I Know You’re Lying” with Pastor Lance and Pastor Brian
People Say Addiction Is A Disease. Mine Wasn’t from The Wall Street Journal
Links to Other Content:
Bridgeway’s Faith & Culture Seminars:
Bridgeway’s Sermons:
Pastor Lance Hahn Podcast: