We are down to the final week of our 40-day fast. What a powerful time we have had seeking the Lord together! These last days can be challenging knowing the end is in sight. But hold strong, and let’s finish well! Many of our personal prayers during the fast have been for our own circumstances and the needs of those we love. This week, let’s extend those prayers to include all who are coming for prayer to be healed, delivered, and set free. God has an abundance of miracles, an abundance of power, and an abundance of love to be distributed to his children. We will be focusing our time each day praying over different aspects of the Worship, Prayer, and Healing Gathering. As we press in these last days, may our prayers of intercession go much further than just one evening. May they be the cries of our heart moving forward to see miracles, signs, and wonders as a normal part of our church culture and our lives as Christ followers.