The most basic definition of intercession is any time we are bringing the need of another to the Lord. An intercessor is a mediator. We are interceding any time we pray for the need of another whether it is something they have asked us to do or it is something God has placed on our heart. Intercession is birthed out of intimacy with the Lord. We must learn what God’s heart is through spending time with him listening and tuning our ear to his frequencies. When we enter into intercession, we set aside our own needs and put ourselves between the needs of another and present them to the Lord. 

In intercession, we come into agreement with God’s heart for others in their places of need and contend on their behalf. When we are prompted by the Holy Spirit, we gain insight into their situation or circumstance. It is here that we partner with the Holy Spirit to bring about the will of God for what he is showing us. We get to co-labor with him to bring about his will. This week we will look at some of the ways we can intercede for those God places on our hearts.