As we begin our fast, we will begin by focusing on our identity in Christ and sanctification. Each one of us is made in the image of God and carries aspects of God’s nature. You have a unique configuration of God given gifts, talents, and personality traits. God has created your identity to be in him. Your identity is not what you do or any title attached to your name. Rather your identity is who God says you are. It is true of us no matter what job you have, your relationship status, your education, your physical abilities, how much is in your bank account, or what stage of life you are in. When you embrace your identity in Christ, you can begin to examine your life and clean out any areas that are not in line with God or who he says you are. Part of fasting is allowing God to deal with your flesh. When you invited Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, you not only became saved, but you were also forgiven and marked as holy. While Jesus sees you as pure and sanctified before him, you are still in the process of dying to your flesh and becoming more like him. As you deny your flesh, you may find the very thing God wants to root out of you is brought to the surface so he can remove it from your life. We must continually die to our flesh and give the Holy Spirit every part of us. During the fast, take inventory of the different areas of your life and see if there is anything that needs to be cleaned out and restored. You take full advantage of what Jesus did for you on the cross when you repent from all unrighteousness and allow the blood of Jesus to cover you and make you pure, holy, and righteous. Jesus, in his deep love for us, never leaves us as we are, but through his power and strength, helps us to overcome our flesh.